Source code for propka.vector_algebra

Vector calculations

Vector algebra for PROPKA.
import logging
import math
from propka.lib import get_sorted_configurations

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Vector: """Vector""" def __init__(self, xi=0.0, yi=0.0, zi=0.0, atom1=None, atom2=None): """Initialize vector. Args: xi: default x-coordinate yi: default y-coordinate zi: default z-coordinate atom1: atom center used to define default coordinate atom2: two atom centers used to define vector """ self.x = xi self.y = yi self.z = zi if atom1: # make vector pointing to atom1 self.x = atom1.x self.y = atom1.y self.z = atom1.z if atom2: # make inter-atomic vector (atom1 -> atom2) self.x = atom2.x - self.x self.y = atom2.y - self.y self.z = atom2.z - self.z def __add__(self, other): return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z) def __sub__(self, other): return Vector(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z) def __mul__(self, other): """Dot product, scalar and matrix multiplication.""" if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z elif isinstance(other, Matrix4x4): return Vector( xi=other.a11*self.x + other.a12*self.y + other.a13*self.z + other.a14*1.0, yi=other.a21*self.x + other.a22*self.y + other.a23*self.z + other.a24*1.0, zi=other.a31*self.x + other.a32*self.y + other.a33*self.z + other.a34*1.0 ) elif type(other) in [int, float]: return Vector(self.x * other, self.y * other, self.z * other) else:'{0:s} not supported'.format(type(other))) raise TypeError def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __pow__(self, other): """Cross product.""" return Vector(self.y * other.z - self.z * other.y, self.z * other.x - self.x * other.z, self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x) def __neg__(self): res = Vector(xi=-self.x, yi=-self.y, zi=-self.z) return res
[docs] def sq_length(self): """Return vector squared-length""" return self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z
[docs] def length(self): """Return vector length.""" return math.sqrt(self.sq_length())
def __str__(self): return '{0:>10.4f} {1:>10.4f} {2:>10.4f}'.format( self.x, self.y, self.z) def __repr__(self): return '<vector>'
[docs] def orthogonal(self): """ Returns a vector orthogonal to self """ res = Vector(self.y, -self.x, 0) if abs(self.y) < abs(self.z): res = Vector(self.z, 0, -self.x) return res
[docs] def rescale(self, new_length): """ Rescale vector to new length while preserving direction """ frac = new_length/(self.length()) res = Vector(xi=self.x*frac, yi=self.y*frac, zi=self.z*frac) return res
[docs]class Matrix4x4: """A 4-by-4 matrix class.""" def __init__(self, a11i=0.0, a12i=0.0, a13i=0.0, a14i=0.0, a21i=0.0, a22i=0.0, a23i=0.0, a24i=0.0, a31i=0.0, a32i=0.0, a33i=0.0, a34i=0.0, a41i=0.0, a42i=0.0, a43i=0.0, a44i=0.0): """Initialize with matrix elements.""" # Row 1 self.a11 = a11i self.a12 = a12i self.a13 = a13i self.a14 = a14i # Row 2 self.a21 = a21i self.a22 = a22i self.a23 = a23i self.a24 = a24i # Row 3 self.a31 = a31i self.a32 = a32i self.a33 = a33i self.a34 = a34i # Row 4 self.a41 = a41i self.a42 = a42i self.a43 = a43i self.a44 = a44i
[docs]def angle(avec, bvec): """Get the angle between two vectors. Args: avec: vector 1 bvec: vector 2 Returns: angle in radians """ dot = avec * bvec return math.acos(dot / (avec.length() * bvec.length()))
[docs]def angle_degrees(avec, bvec): """Get the angle between two vectors in degrees. Args: avec: vector 1 bvec: vector 2 Returns: angle in degrees """ return math.degrees(angle(avec, bvec))
[docs]def signed_angle_around_axis(avec, bvec, axis): """Get signed angle of two vectors around axis in radians. Args: avec: vector 1 bvec: vector 2 axis: axis Returns: angle in radians """ norma = avec**axis normb = bvec**axis ang = angle(norma, normb) dot_ = bvec*(avec**axis) if dot_ < 0: ang = -ang return ang
[docs]def rotate_vector_around_an_axis(theta, axis, vec): """Rotate vector around an axis. Args: theta: rotation angle (in radians) axis: axis for rotation vec: vector to rotate Returns: rotated vector """ gamma = 0.0 if axis.y != 0: if axis.x != 0: gamma = -axis.x/abs(axis.x)*math.asin( axis.y/(math.sqrt(axis.x*axis.x + axis.y*axis.y))) else: gamma = math.pi/2.0 rot_z = rotate_atoms_around_z_axis(gamma) vec = rot_z * vec axis = rot_z * axis beta = 0.0 if axis.x != 0: beta = -axis.x/abs(axis.x)*math.acos( axis.z/math.sqrt(axis.x*axis.x + axis.z*axis.z)) rot_y = rotate_atoms_around_y_axis(beta) vec = rot_y * vec axis = rot_y * axis rot_z = rotate_atoms_around_z_axis(theta) vec = rot_z * vec rot_y = rotate_atoms_around_y_axis(-beta) vec = rot_y * vec rot_z = rotate_atoms_around_z_axis(-gamma) vec = rot_z * vec return vec
[docs]def rotate_atoms_around_z_axis(theta): """Get rotation matrix for z-axis. Args: theta: angle of rotation (radians) Returns: rotation matrix """ return Matrix4x4( a11i=math.cos(theta), a12i=-math.sin(theta), a13i=0.0, a14i=0.0, a21i=math.sin(theta), a22i=math.cos(theta), a23i=0.0, a24i=0.0, a31i=0.0, a32i=0.0, a33i=1.0, a34i=0.0, a41i=0.0, a42i=0.0, a43i=0.0, a44i=1.0 )
[docs]def rotate_atoms_around_y_axis(theta): """Get rotation matrix for y-axis. Args: theta: angle of rotation (radians) Returns: rotation matrix """ return Matrix4x4( a11i=math.cos(theta), a12i=0.0, a13i=math.sin(theta), a14i=0.0, a21i=0.0, a22i=1.0, a23i=0.0, a24i=0.0, a31i=-math.sin(theta), a32i=0.0, a33i=math.cos(theta), a34i=0.0, a41i=0.0, a42i=0.0, a43i=0.0, a44i=1.0 )
[docs]class MultiVector: """Collection of vectors for multiple configurations of atoms. TODO - this class does not appear to be used or covered by tests """ def __init__(self, atom1=None, atom2=None): """Initialize with atom configurations. Args: atom1: first atom to define vector atom2: second atom to define vector """ self.vectors = [] self.keys = [] self.result = None # store vectors for all configurations of atoms if atom1 is not None: self.keys = get_sorted_configurations(atom1.configurations.keys()) if atom2 is not None: keys2 = get_sorted_configurations(atom2.configurations.keys()) if self.keys != keys2: str_ = ('Cannot make multi vector: Atomic configurations ' 'mismatch for\n {0:s}\n {1:s}\n'.format( atom1, atom2)) raise KeyError(str_) for key in self.keys: atom1.setConfiguration(key) if atom2 != 0: atom2.setConfiguration(key) vec = Vector(atom1=atom1, atom2=atom2) self.vectors.append(vec) def __getattribute__(self, name): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) except AttributeError: return self.do_job(name) def __str__(self): res = '' for i, key in enumerate(self.keys): res += '{0:s} {1:s}\n'.format(key, self.vectors[i]) return res
[docs] def do_job(self, job): """Append vectors to configuration. Args: job: name of function to apply to vectors Returns: TODO - figure out what this is """ self.result = MultiVector() for i, vector in enumerate(self.vectors): func = getattr(vector, job) self.result.vectors.append(func()) self.result.keys.append(self.keys[i]) return self.get_result
@property def get_result(self): """Return the latest result.""" return self.result
[docs] def generic_operation(self, operation, other): """Perform a generic operation between two MultiVector objects. Args: operation: operation to perform (string) other: other MultiVector object """ if self.keys != other.keys: raise 'Incompatible keys' self.result = MultiVector() for i in range(len(self.vectors)): self.result.vectors.append( # TODO - eliminate eval() or entire class eval( 'self.vectors[{0:d}] {1:s} other.vectors[{2:d}]'.format( i, operation, i))) self.result.keys.append(self.keys[i])
def __add__(self, other): self.generic_operation('+', other) return self.result def __sub__(self, other): self.generic_operation('-', other) return self.result def __mul__(self, other): self.generic_operation('*', other) return self.result def __pow__(self, other): self.generic_operation('**', other) return self.result
[docs] @staticmethod def generic_self_operation(_): """TODO - delete this.""" return
def __neg__(self): self.generic_operation('*', -1.0) return self.result
[docs] def rescale(self, new_length): """Rescale multi-vector to new length. Args: new_length: new length for multi-vector Result: MultiVector object """ self.result = MultiVector() for i, vector in enumerate(self.vectors): self.result.vectors.append(vector.rescale(new_length)) self.result.keys.append(self.keys[i]) return self.res
[docs]def rotate_multi_vector_around_an_axis(theta, axis, vec): """Rotate a multi-vector around an axis. NOTE - both axis ans v must be MultiVectors. Args: theta: angle (in radians) axis: multi-vector axis vec: multi-vector vector """ if axis.keys != vec.keys: raise 'Incompatible keys in rotate MultiVector' res = MultiVector() for i, key in enumerate(vec.keys): res.vectors.append(rotate_vector_around_an_axis( theta, axis.vectors[i], vec.vectors[i])) res.keys.append(key) return res