Source code for propka.output


Output routines.

.. versionchanged::3.4.0
   Removed :func:`write_proka` as writing PROPKA input files is no longer
import logging
from datetime import date
from . import __version__

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def open_file_for_writing(input_file): """Open file or file-like stream for writing. TODO - convert this to a context manager. Args: input_file: path to file or file-like object. If file-like object, then will attempt to get file mode. """ try: if not input_file.writable(): raise IOError("File/stream not open for writing") return input_file except AttributeError: pass try: file_ = open(input_file, 'wt') except FileNotFoundError: raise Exception('Could not open {0:s}'.format(input_file)) return file_
[docs]def write_file(filename, lines): """Writes a new file. Args: filename: name of file lines: lines to write to file """ file_ = open_file_for_writing(filename) for line in lines: file_.write("{0:s}\n".format(line)) file_.close()
[docs]def write_pdb_for_protein( protein, pdbfile=None, filename=None, include_hydrogens=False, _=None): """Write a residue to the new PDB file. Args: protein: protein object pdbfile: PDB file filename: file to write to include_hydrogens: Boolean indicating whether to include hydrogens options: options object """ if pdbfile is None: # opening file if not given if filename is None: filename = "{0:s}.pdb".format( # TODO - this would be better as a context manager pdbfile = open(filename, 'w')"writing pdbfile {0:s}".format(filename)) close_file = True else: # don't close the file, it was opened in a different place close_file = False numb = 0 for chain in protein.chains: for residue in chain.residues: if residue.res_name not in ["N+ ", "C- "]: for atom in residue.atoms: if (not include_hydrogens) and[0] == "H": # don't print pass else: numb += 1 line = atom.make_pdb_line2(numb=numb) line += "\n" pdbfile.write(line) if close_file: pdbfile.close()
[docs]def write_pdb_for_conformation(conformation, filename): """Write PDB conformation to a file. Args: conformation: conformation container filename: filename for output """ write_pdb_for_atoms(conformation.atoms, filename)
[docs]def write_pka(protein, parameters, filename=None, conformation='1A', reference="neutral", _="folding", verbose=False, __=None): """Write the pKa-file based on the given protein. Args: protein: protein object filename: output file name conformation: TODO - figure this out reference: reference state _: "folding" or other verbose: Boolean flag for verbosity __: options object """ # TODO - the code immediately overrides the verbose argument; why? verbose = True if filename is None: filename = "{0:s}.pka".format( # TODO - this would be much better with a context manager file_ = open(filename, 'w') if verbose:"Writing {0:s}".format(filename)) # writing propka header str_ = "{0:s}\n".format(get_propka_header()) str_ += "{0:s}\n".format(get_references_header()) str_ += "{0:s}\n".format(get_warning_header()) # writing pKa determinant section str_ += get_determinant_section(protein, conformation, parameters) # writing pKa summary section str_ += get_summary_section(protein, conformation, parameters) str_ += "{0:s}\n".format(get_the_line()) # printing Folding Profile str_ += get_folding_profile_section( protein, conformation=conformation, reference=reference, window=[0., 14., 1.0]) # printing Protein Charge Profile str_ += get_charge_profile_section(protein, conformation=conformation) # now, writing the pka text to file file_.write(str_) file_.close()
[docs]def get_determinant_section(protein, conformation, parameters): """Returns string with determinant section of results. Args: protein: protein object conformation: specific conformation parameters: parameters Returns: string """ # getting the same order as in propka2.0 str_ = "{0:s}\n".format(get_determinants_header()) # printing determinants for chain in protein.conformations[conformation].chains: for residue_type in parameters.write_out_order: groups = [ g for g in protein.conformations[conformation].groups if g.atom.chain_id == chain] for group in groups: if group.residue_type == residue_type: str_ += "{0:s}".format( group.get_determinant_string( parameters.remove_penalised_group)) # Add a warning in case of coupled residues if (protein.conformations[conformation].non_covalently_coupled_groups and not protein.options.display_coupled_residues): str_ += 'Coupled residues (marked *) were detected.' str_ += 'Please rerun PropKa with the --display-coupled-residues \n' str_ += 'or -d option for detailed information.\n' return str_
[docs]def get_summary_section(protein, conformation, parameters): """Returns string with summary section of the results. Args: protein: protein object conformation: specific conformation parameters: parameters Returns: string """ str_ = "{0:s}\n".format(get_summary_header()) # printing pKa summary for residue_type in parameters.write_out_order: for group in protein.conformations[conformation].groups: if group.residue_type == residue_type: str_ += "{0:s}".format( group.get_summary_string( parameters.remove_penalised_group)) return str_
[docs]def get_folding_profile_section( protein, conformation='AVR', direction="folding", reference="neutral", window=[0., 14., 1.0], _=False, __=None): """Returns string with the folding profile section of the results. Args: protein: protein object conformation: specific conformation direction: 'folding' or other reference: reference state window: pH window [min, max, step] _: Boolean for verbose output __: options object Returns: string """ str_ = get_the_line() str_ += "\n" str_ += "Free energy of {0:>9s} (kcal/mol) as a function".format(direction) str_ += " of pH (using {0:s} reference)\n".format(reference) profile, [ph_opt, dg_opt], [dg_min, dg_max], [ph_min, ph_max] = ( protein.get_folding_profile( conformation=conformation, reference=reference, grid=[0., 14., 0.1])) if profile is None: str_ += "Could not determine folding profile\n" else: for (ph, dg) in profile: if ph >= window[0] and ph <= window[1]: if ph % window[2] < 0.05 or ph % window[2] > 0.95: str_ += "{0:>6.2f}{1:>10.2f}\n".format(ph, dg) str_ += "\n" if ph_opt is None or dg_opt is None: str_ += "Could not determine pH optimum\n" else: str_ += "The pH of optimum stability is {0:>4.1f}".format(ph_opt) str_ += ( " for which the free energy is {0:>6.1f} kcal/mol at " "298K\n".format(dg_opt) ) if dg_min is None or dg_max is None: str_ += "Could not determine pH values where the free energy" str_ += " is within 80 % of minimum\n" else: str_ += "The free energy is within 80 % of maximum" str_ += " at pH {0:>4.1f} to {1:>4.1f}\n".format(dg_min, dg_max) if ph_min is None or ph_max is None: str_ += "Could not determine the pH-range where the free" str_ += " energy is negative\n\n" else: str_ += "The free energy is negative in the range" str_ += " {0:>4.1f} - {1:>4.1f}\n\n".format(ph_min, ph_max) return str_
[docs]def get_charge_profile_section(protein, conformation='AVR', _=None): """Returns string with the charge profile section of the results. Args: protein: protein object conformation: specific conformation _: options object Returns: string """ str_ = "Protein charge of folded and unfolded state as a function of pH\n" profile = protein.get_charge_profile(conformation=conformation, grid=[0., 14., 1.]) if profile is None: str_ += "Could not determine charge profile\n" else: str_ += ' pH unfolded folded\n' for (ph, q_mod, q_pro) in profile: str_ += "{ph:6.2f}{qm:10.2f}{qp:8.2f}\n".format( ph=ph, qm=q_mod, qp=q_pro) pi_pro, pi_mod = protein.get_pi(conformation=conformation) if pi_pro is None or pi_mod is None: str_ += "Could not determine the pI\n\n" else: str_ += ( f"The pI is {pi_pro:>5.2f} (folded) and {pi_mod:>5.2f} " f"(unfolded)\n" ) return str_
[docs]def write_jackal_scap_file(mutation_data=None, filename="1xxx_scap.list", _=None): """Write a scap file for, i.e., generating a mutated protein TODO - figure out what this is """ with open(filename, 'w') as file_: for chain_id, _, res_num, code2 in mutation_data: str_ = "{chain:s}, {num:d}, {code:s}\n".format( chain=chain_id, num=res_num, code=code2) file_.write(str_)
[docs]def write_scwrl_sequence_file(sequence, filename="x-ray.seq", _=None): """Write a scwrl sequence file for, e.g., generating a mutated protein TODO - figure out what this is """ with open(filename, 'w') as file_: start = 0 while len(sequence[start:]) > 60: file_.write("{0:s}s\n".format(sequence[start:start+60])) start += 60 file_.write("{0:s}\n".format(sequence[start:]))
[docs]def get_propka_header(): """Create the header. Returns: string """ today = str_ = f"propka{__version__:<53} {today!s:>43}\n" str_ += """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- PROPKA: A PROTEIN PKA PREDICTOR -- -- -- -- VERSION 1.0, 04/25/2004, IOWA CITY -- -- BY HUI LI -- -- -- -- VERSION 2.0, 11/05/2007, IOWA CITY/COPENHAGEN -- -- BY DELPHINE C. BAS AND DAVID M. ROGERS -- -- -- -- VERSION 3.0, 01/06/2011, COPENHAGEN -- -- BY MATS H.M. OLSSON AND CHRESTEN R. SONDERGARD -- -- -- -- VERSION 3.1, 07/01/2011, COPENHAGEN -- -- BY CHRESTEN R. SONDERGARD AND MATS H.M. OLSSON -- -- -- -- VERSION 3.2, 06/17/2020, PLANET EARTH -- -- SEE ABOVE FOR AUTHORS -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ return str_
[docs]def get_references_header(): """Create the 'references' part of output file. Returns: string """ str_ = """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Very Fast Empirical Prediction and Rationalization of Protein pKa Values. Hui Li, Andrew D. Robertson and Jan H. Jensen. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 61:704-721 (2005) Very Fast Prediction and Rationalization of pKa Values for Protein-Ligand Complexes. Delphine C. Bas, David M. Rogers and Jan H. Jensen. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 73:765-783 (2008) PROPKA3: Consistent Treatment of Internal and Surface Residues in Empirical pKa predictions. Mats H.M. Olsson, Chresten R. Sondergard, Michal Rostkowski, and Jan H. Jensen. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 7(2):525-537 (2011) Improved Treatment of Ligands and Coupling Effects in Empirical Calculation and Rationalization of pKa Values. Chresten R. Sondergaard, Mats H.M. Olsson, Michal Rostkowski, and Jan H. Jensen. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, (2011) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ return str_
[docs]def get_warning_header(): """Create the 'warning' part of the output file. TODO - this function is essentially a no-op. Returns: string """ str_ = "" return str_
[docs]def get_determinants_header(): """Create the Determinant header. Returns: string """ str_ = """ --------- ----- ------ --------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- DESOLVATION EFFECTS SIDECHAIN BACKBONE COULOMBIC RESIDUE pKa BURIED REGULAR RE HYDROGEN BOND HYDROGEN BOND INTERACTION --------- ----- ------ --------- --------- -------------- -------------- -------------- """ return str_
[docs]def get_summary_header(): """Create the summary header. Returns: string """ str_ = get_the_line() str_ += "\n" str_ += "SUMMARY OF THIS PREDICTION\n" str_ += " Group pKa model-pKa ligand atom-type" return str_
[docs]def get_the_line(): """Draw the line-Johnny Cash would have been proud-or actually Aerosmith! NOTE - Johnny Cash walked the line. Returns: string """ str_ = "" str_ += ("-" * 104) return str_
[docs]def make_interaction_map(name, list_, interaction): """Print out an interaction map named 'name' of the groups in 'list' based on the function 'interaction' Args: list_: list of groups interaction: some sort of function Returns: string """ # return an empty string, if the list is empty if len(list_) == 0: return '' # for long list, use condensed formatting if len(list_) > 10: res = 'Condensed form:\n' for i, group1 in enumerate(list_): for group2 in list_[i:]: if interaction(group1, group2): res += 'Coupling: {0:>9s} - {1:>9s}\n'.format( group1.label, group2.label) return res # Name and map header res = '{0:s}\n{1:>12s}'.format(name, '') for group in list_: res += '{0:>9s} | '.format(group.label) # do the map for group1 in list_: res += '\n{0:<12s}'.format(group1.label) for group2 in list_: tag = '' if interaction(group1, group2): tag = ' X ' res += '{0:>10s}| '.format(tag) return res
[docs]def write_pdb_for_atoms(atoms, filename, make_conect_section=False): """Write out PDB file for atoms. Args: atoms: list of atoms filename: name of file make_conect_section: generate a CONECT PDB section """ out = open_file_for_writing(filename) for atom in atoms: out.write(atom.make_pdb_line()) if make_conect_section: for atom in atoms: out.write(atom.make_conect_line()) out.close()
[docs]def get_bond_order(atom1, atom2): """Get the order of a bond between two atoms. Args: atom1: first atom in bond atom2: second atom in bond Returns: string with bond type """ type_ = '1' pi_electrons1 = atom1.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds pi_electrons2 = atom2.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds if '.ar' in atom1.sybyl_type: pi_electrons1 -= 1 if '.ar' in atom2.sybyl_type: pi_electrons2 -= 1 if pi_electrons1 > 0 and pi_electrons2 > 0: type_ = '{0:d}'.format(min(pi_electrons1, pi_electrons2)+1) if '.ar' in atom1.sybyl_type and '.ar' in atom2.sybyl_type: type_ = 'ar' return type_
[docs]def write_mol2_for_atoms(atoms, filename): """Write out MOL2 file for atoms. Args: atoms: list of atoms filename: name of file """ # TODO - header needs to be converted to format string header = '@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE\n\n{natom:d} {id:d}\nSMALL\nUSER_CHARGES\n' atoms_section = '@<TRIPOS>ATOM\n' for i, atom in enumerate(atoms): atoms_section += atom.make_mol2_line(i+1) bonds_section = '@<TRIPOS>BOND\n' id_ = 1 for i, atom1 in enumerate(atoms): for j, atom2 in enumerate(atoms, i+1): if atom1 in atom2.bonded_atoms: type_ = get_bond_order(atom1, atom2) bonds_section += '{0:>7d} {1:>7d} {2:>7d} {3:>7s}\n'.format( id_, i+1, j+1, type_) id_ += 1 substructure_section = '@<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE\n\n' if len(atoms) > 0: substructure_section = ( '@<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE\n{0:<7d} {1:>10s} {2:>7d}\n'.format( atoms[0].res_num, atoms[0].res_name, atoms[0].numb)) out = open_file_for_writing(filename) out.write(header.format(natom=len(atoms), id=id_-1)) out.write(atoms_section) out.write(bonds_section) out.write(substructure_section) out.close()