Source code for propka.ligand_pka_values

Ligand pKa values from Marvin

Ligand pKa values can be obtained from the commercial `Marvin`_
software (namely, the :program:`cxcalc` and :program:`molconvert`
programs are required).

.. _Marvin:

import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from propka.output import write_mol2_for_atoms
from propka.lib import split_atoms_into_molecules

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LigandPkaValues: """Ligand pKa value class.""" def __init__(self, parameters): """Initialize object with parameters. Args: parameters: parameters """ self.parameters = parameters # attempt to find Marvin executables in the path self.molconvert = self.find_in_path('molconvert') self.cxcalc = self.find_in_path('cxcalc')'Found Marvin executables:')
[docs] @staticmethod def find_in_path(program): """Find a program in the system path. Args: program: program to find Returns: location of program """ path = os.environ.get('PATH').split(os.pathsep) locs = [ i for i in filter(lambda loc: os.access(loc, os.F_OK), map(lambda dir: os.path.join(dir, program), path))] if len(locs) == 0: str_ = "'Error: Could not find {0:s}.".format(program) str_ += ' Please make sure that it is found in the path.' sys.exit(-1) return locs[0]
[docs] def get_marvin_pkas_for_pdb_file( self, molecule, parameters, num_pkas=10, min_ph=-10, max_ph=20): """Use Marvin executables to get pKas for a PDB file. Args: pdbfile: PDB file molecule: MolecularContainer object num_pkas: number of pKas to get min_ph: minimum pH value max_ph: maximum pH value """ self.get_marvin_pkas_for_molecular_container( molecule, num_pkas=num_pkas, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph)
[docs] def get_marvin_pkas_for_molecular_container(self, molecule, num_pkas=10, min_ph=-10, max_ph=20): """Use Marvin executables to calculate pKas for a molecular container. Args: molecule: molecular container num_pkas: number of pKas to calculate min_ph: minimum pH value max_ph: maximum pH value """ for name in molecule.conformation_names: filename = '{0:s}_{1:s}'.format(, name) self.get_marvin_pkas_for_conformation_container( molecule.conformations[name], name=filename, reuse=molecule.options.reuse_ligand_mol2_file, num_pkas=num_pkas, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph)
[docs] def get_marvin_pkas_for_conformation_container(self, conformation, name='temp', reuse=False, num_pkas=10, min_ph=-10, max_ph=20): """Use Marvin executables to calculate pKas for a conformation container. Args: conformation: conformation container name: filename reuse: flag to reuse the structure files num_pkas: number of pKas to calculate min_ph: minimum pH value max_ph: maximum pH value """ conformation.marvin_pkas_calculated = True self.get_marvin_pkas_for_atoms( conformation.get_heavy_ligand_atoms(), name=name, reuse=reuse, num_pkas=num_pkas, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph)
[docs] def get_marvin_pkas_for_atoms(self, atoms, name='temp', reuse=False, num_pkas=10, min_ph=-10, max_ph=20): """Use Marvin executables to calculate pKas for a list of atoms. Args: atoms: list of atoms name: filename reuse: flag to reuse the structure files num_pkas: number of pKas to calculate min_ph: minimum pH value max_ph: maximum pH value """ # do one molecule at the time so we don't confuse marvin molecules = split_atoms_into_molecules(atoms) for i, molecule in enumerate(molecules): filename = '{0:s}_{1:d}.mol2'.format(name, i+1) self.get_marvin_pkas_for_molecule( molecule, filename=filename, reuse=reuse, num_pkas=num_pkas, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph)
[docs] def get_marvin_pkas_for_molecule(self, atoms, filename='__tmp_ligand.mol2', reuse=False, num_pkas=10, min_ph=-10, max_ph=20): """Use Marvin executables to calculate pKas for a molecule. Args: molecule: the molecule name: filename reuse: flag to reuse the structure files num_pkas: number of pKas to calculate min_ph: minimum pH value max_ph: maximum pH value """ # print out structure unless we are using user-modified structure if not reuse: write_mol2_for_atoms(atoms, filename) # check that we actually have a file to work with if not os.path.isfile(filename): errstr = ( "Didn't find a user-modified file '{0:s}' " "- generating one".format( filename)) _LOGGER.warning(errstr) write_mol2_for_atoms(atoms, filename) # Marvin calculate pKa values fmt = ( 'pka -a {num1} -b {num2} --min {min_ph} ' '--max {max_ph} -d large') options = ( fmt.format( num1=num_pkas, num2=num_pkas, min_ph=min_ph, max_ph=max_ph)) (output, errors) = subprocess.Popen( [self.cxcalc, filename]+options.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() if len(errors) > 0: err = ( f'Error: Marvin execution failed: {errors}\n' f'Please edit the ligand mol2 file and re-run PropKa with ' f'the -l option: {filename}' ) _LOGGER.error(err) raise OSError(err) # extract calculated pkas indices, pkas, types = self.extract_pkas(output) # store calculated pka values for i, index in enumerate(indices): atoms[index].marvin_pka = pkas[i] atoms[index].charge = {'a': -1, 'b': 1}[types[i]] '{0:s} model pKa: {1:<.2f}'.format(atoms[index], pkas[i]) )
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_pkas(output): """Extract pKa value from output. Args: output: output string to parse Returns: 1. Indices 2. Values 3. Types """ # split output [tags, values, _] = output.decode().split('\n') tags = tags.split('\t') values = values.split('\t') # format values types = [ tags[i][0] for i in range(1, len(tags)-1) if len(values) > i and values[i] != ''] indices = [int(a)-1 for a in values[-1].split(',') if a != ''] values = [float(v.replace(',', '.')) for v in values[1:-1] if v != ''] if len(indices) != len(values) != len(types): raise Exception('Lengths of atoms and pka values mismatch') return indices, values, types