Source code for propka.hybrid36

Hybrid36 PDB-like file format

`hybrid36`_ is an alternative PDB format that can encode larger atom
numbers. This module provides the :func:`decode` functon to parse the
atom numbers in hybrid36 "PDB" files.

.. _hybrid36:

import string

_HYBRID36_UPPER_CHARS = set(string.ascii_uppercase)
_HYBRID36_LOWER_CHARS = set(string.ascii_lowercase)
_HYBRID36_DIGITS = set(string.digits)

[docs]def decode(input_string): """Convert an input string of a number in hybrid-36 format to an integer. Args: input_string: input string Returns: integer """ value_error_message = "invalid literal for hybrid-36 conversion: '{0:s}'" original_input_string = input_string input_string = input_string.strip() # Manually handle negative sign. if input_string.startswith("-"): sign = -1 input_string = input_string[1:] else: sign = 1 if len(input_string) == 0: raise ValueError(value_error_message.format(input_string)) # See for documentation on the format. num_chars = len(input_string) first_char = input_string[0] if first_char in _HYBRID36_DIGITS: return sign * int(input_string) elif first_char in _HYBRID36_UPPER_CHARS: reference = - (10 * 36 ** (num_chars - 1) - 10 ** num_chars) _hybrid36_set = _HYBRID36_UPPER_SET elif first_char in _HYBRID36_LOWER_CHARS: reference = (16 * 36 ** (num_chars - 1) + 10 ** num_chars) _hybrid36_set = _HYBRID36_LOWER_SET else: raise ValueError(value_error_message.format(original_input_string)) # Check the validity of the input string: ASCII characters should be # either all uppercase or all lowercase. for char in input_string[1:]: if char not in _hybrid36_set: raise ValueError(value_error_message.format(original_input_string)) # Convert with the int function. return sign * (int(input_string, 36) + reference)