Source code for propka.protonate

Protonate a structure

The :class:`Protonate` processes a
:class:`propka.molecular_container.MolecularContainer` and adds

import logging
import math
from typing import Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING

import propka.bonds
import propka.atom
from propka.atom import Atom
from propka.vector_algebra import rotate_vector_around_an_axis, Vector

    from propka.molecular_container import MolecularContainer

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Protonate: """ Protonates atoms using VSEPR theory """ def __init__(self, verbose=False): """Initialize with flag for verbosity Args: verbose: True for verbose output """ self.verbose = verbose self.valence_electrons = { "H": 1, "He": 2, "Li": 1, "Be": 2, "B": 3, "C": 4, "N": 5, "O": 6, "F": 7, "Ne": 8, "Na": 1, "Mg": 2, "Al": 3, "Si": 4, "P": 5, "S": 6, "Cl": 7, "Ar": 8, "K": 1, "Ca": 2, "Sc": 2, "Ti": 2, "V": 2, "Cr": 1, "Mn": 2, "Fe": 2, "Co": 2, "Ni": 2, "Cu": 1, "Zn": 2, "Ga": 3, "Ge": 4, "As": 5, "Se": 6, "Br": 7, "Kr": 8, "Rb": 1, "Sr": 2, "Y": 2, "Zr": 2, "Nb": 1, "Mo": 1, "Tc": 2, "Ru": 1, "Rh": 1, "Pd": 8, "Ag": 1, "Cd": 2, "In": 3, "Sn": 4, "Sb": 5, "Te": 6, "I": 7, "Xe": 8, "Cs": 1, "Ba": 2, "La": 2, "Ce": 2, "Pr": 2, "Nd": 2, "Pm": 2, "Sm": 2, "Eu": 2, "Gd": 2, "Tb": 2, "Dy": 2, "Ho": 2, "Er": 2, "Tm": 2, "Yb": 2, "Lu": 2, "Hf": 2, "Ta": 2, "W": 2, "Re": 2, "Os": 2, "Ir": 2, "Pt": 1, "Au": 1, "Hg": 2, "Tl": 3, "Pb": 4, "Bi": 5, "Po": 6, "At": 7, "Rn": 8, "Fr": 1, "Ra": 2, "Ac": 2, "Th": 2, "Pa": 2, "U": 2, "Np": 2, "Pu": 2, "Am": 2, "Cm": 2, "Bk": 2, "Cf": 2, "Es": 2, "Fm": 2, "Md": 2, "No": 2, "Lr": 3, "Rf": 2, "Db": 2, "Sg": 2, "Bh": 2, "Hs": 2, "Mt": 2, "Ds": 2, "Rg": 2, "Cn": 2, "Nh": 3, "Fl": 4, "Mc": 5, "Lv": 6, "Ts": 7, "Og": 8, "Uue": 1 } # TODO - consider putting charges in a configuration file self.standard_charges = { 'ARG-NH1': 1.0, 'ASP-OD2': -1.0, 'GLU-OE2': -1.0, 'HIS-ND1': 1.0, 'LYS-NZ': 1.0, 'N+': 1.0, 'C-': -1.0} self.sybyl_charges = { 'N.pl3': 1, 'N.3': 1, 'N.4': 1, '': 1, 'O.co2-': 1} # TODO - consider putting bond lengths in a configuration file self.bond_lengths = { 'C': 1.09, 'N': 1.01, 'O': 0.96, 'F': 0.92, 'Cl': 1.27, 'Br': 1.41, 'I': 1.61, 'S': 1.35} self.protonation_methods = {4: self.tetrahedral, 3: self.trigonal}
[docs] def protonate(self, molecules: "MolecularContainer"): """Protonate all atoms in the molecular container. Args: molecules: molecular containers """ _LOGGER.debug('----- Protonation started -----') # Remove all currently present hydrogen atoms self.remove_all_hydrogen_atoms(molecules) # protonate all atoms for name in molecules.conformation_names: non_h_atoms = (molecules.conformations[name] .get_non_hydrogen_atoms()) for atom in non_h_atoms: self.protonate_atom(atom)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_all_hydrogen_atoms(molecular_container: "MolecularContainer"): """Remove all hydrogen atoms from molecule. Args: molecular_container: molecule to remove hydrogens from """ for name in molecular_container.conformation_names: molecular_container.conformations[name].atoms = ( molecular_container.conformations[name] .get_non_hydrogen_atoms())
[docs] def set_charge(self, atom: Atom): """Set charge for atom. Args: atom: atom to be charged """ # atom is a protein atom if atom.type == 'atom': key = '{0:3s}-{1:s}'.format(atom.res_name, if atom.terminal: _LOGGER.debug("%s", atom.terminal) key = atom.terminal if key in self.standard_charges: atom.charge = self.standard_charges[key] _LOGGER.debug('Charge %s %s', atom, atom.charge) atom.charge_set = True # atom is a ligand atom elif atom.type == 'hetatm': if atom.sybyl_type in self.sybyl_charges: atom.charge = self.sybyl_charges[atom.sybyl_type] atom.sybyl_type = atom.sybyl_type.replace('-', '') atom.charge_set = True
[docs] def protonate_atom(self, atom: Atom): """Protonate an atom. Args: atom: atom to be protonated """ if atom.is_protonated: return if atom.element == 'H': return self.set_charge(atom) self.set_number_of_protons_to_add(atom) self.set_steric_number_and_lone_pairs(atom) self.add_protons(atom) atom.is_protonated = True
[docs] @staticmethod def set_proton_names(heavy_atoms: Iterable[Atom]): """Set names for protons. Args: heavy_atoms: list of heavy atoms with protons to be named """ for heavy_atom in heavy_atoms: i = 1 for bonded in heavy_atom.bonded_atoms: if bonded.element == 'H': += str(i) i += 1
[docs] def set_number_of_protons_to_add(self, atom: Atom): """Set the number of protons to add to this atom. Args: atom: atom for calculation """ _LOGGER.debug('*'*10) _LOGGER.debug('Setting number of protons to add for %s', atom) atom.number_of_protons_to_add = 8 _LOGGER.debug(" 8") if atom.element not in self.valence_electrons: _LOGGER.warning( f'Unknown valence electron for element {atom.element}') self.valence_electrons[atom.element] = 4 atom.number_of_protons_to_add -= self.valence_electrons[atom.element] _LOGGER.debug('Valence electrons: {0:>4d}'.format( -self.valence_electrons[atom.element])) atom.number_of_protons_to_add -= len(atom.bonded_atoms) _LOGGER.debug( 'Number of bonds: {0:>4d}'.format(-len(atom.bonded_atoms)) ) atom.number_of_protons_to_add -= atom.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds _LOGGER.debug( 'Pi electrons: {0:>4d}'.format(-atom.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds) ) atom.number_of_protons_to_add += int(atom.charge) _LOGGER.debug('Charge: {0:>4.1f}'.format(atom.charge)) _LOGGER.debug('-'*10) _LOGGER.debug(atom.number_of_protons_to_add)
[docs] def set_steric_number_and_lone_pairs(self, atom: Atom): """Set steric number and lone pairs for atom. Args: atom: atom for calculation """ # If we already did this, there is no reason to do it again if atom.steric_num_lone_pairs_set: return _LOGGER.debug('='*10) _LOGGER.debug('Setting steric number and lone pairs for %s', atom) atom.steric_number = 0 if atom.element not in self.valence_electrons: self.valence_electrons[atom.element] = 4 _LOGGER.warning( f"Not found valence for element {atom.element}, use 4") _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Valence electrons', self.valence_electrons[atom.element])) atom.steric_number += self.valence_electrons[atom.element] _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Number of bonds', len(atom.bonded_atoms))) atom.steric_number += len(atom.bonded_atoms) _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Number of hydrogen atoms to add', atom.number_of_protons_to_add)) atom.steric_number += atom.number_of_protons_to_add _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Number of pi-electrons in double and triple bonds(-)', atom.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds)) atom.steric_number -= atom.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Number of pi-electrons in conjugated double and triple bonds(-)', atom.num_pi_elec_conj_2_3_bonds)) atom.steric_number -= atom.num_pi_elec_conj_2_3_bonds _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Number of donated co-ordinated bonds', 0)) atom.steric_number += 0 _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4.1f}'.format( 'Charge(-)', atom.charge)) atom.steric_number = math.floor((atom.steric_number - atom.charge) / 2) atom.number_of_lone_pairs = ( atom.steric_number - len(atom.bonded_atoms) - atom.number_of_protons_to_add ) _LOGGER.debug('-'*70) _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Steric number', atom.steric_number)) _LOGGER.debug('{0:>65s}: {1:>4d}'.format( 'Number of lone pairs', atom.number_of_lone_pairs)) atom.steric_num_lone_pairs_set = True
[docs] def add_protons(self, atom: Atom): """Add protons to atom. Args: atom: atom for calculation """ # decide which method to use _LOGGER.debug('PROTONATING %s', atom) if atom.steric_number in list(self.protonation_methods.keys()): self.protonation_methods[atom.steric_number](atom) else: _LOGGER.warning( 'Do not have a method for protonating %s %s', atom, '(steric number: {0:d})'.format(atom.steric_number) )
[docs] def trigonal(self, atom: Atom): """Add hydrogens in trigonal geometry. Args: atom: atom to protonate """ _LOGGER.debug( 'TRIGONAL - {0:d} bonded atoms'.format(len(atom.bonded_atoms)) ) rot_angle = math.radians(120.0) cvec = Vector(atom1=atom) # 0 bonds if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 0: pass # 1 bond if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 1 and atom.number_of_protons_to_add > 0: # Add another atom with the right angle to the first one avec = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0]) # use plane of bonded trigonal atom - e.g. arg self.set_steric_number_and_lone_pairs(atom.bonded_atoms[0]) if (atom.bonded_atoms[0].steric_number == 3 and len(atom.bonded_atoms[0].bonded_atoms) > 1): # use other atoms bonded to the neighbour to establish the # plane, if possible other_atom_indices = [] for i, bonded_atom in enumerate( atom.bonded_atoms[0].bonded_atoms): if bonded_atom != atom: other_atom_indices.append(i) vec1 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0]) vec2 = Vector(atom1=atom.bonded_atoms[0], atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0] .bonded_atoms[other_atom_indices[0]]) axis = vec1.cross(vec2) # this is a trick to make sure that the order of atoms doesn't # influence the final postions of added protons if len(other_atom_indices) > 1: vec3 = Vector(atom1=atom.bonded_atoms[0], atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0] .bonded_atoms[other_atom_indices[1]]) axis2 = vec1.cross(vec3) if > 0: axis = axis+axis2 else: axis = axis-axis2 else: axis = avec.orthogonal() avec = rotate_vector_around_an_axis(rot_angle, axis, avec) avec = self.set_bond_distance(avec, atom.element) self.add_proton(atom, cvec+avec) # 2 bonds if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 2 and atom.number_of_protons_to_add > 0: # Add another atom with the right angle to the first two avec1 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0]).rescale(1.0) avec2 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[1]).rescale(1.0) new_a = -avec1 - avec2 new_a = self.set_bond_distance(new_a, atom.element) self.add_proton(atom, cvec+new_a)
[docs] def tetrahedral(self, atom: Atom): """Protonate atom in tetrahedral geometry. Args: atom: atom to protonate. """ _LOGGER.debug( 'TETRAHEDRAL - {0:d} bonded atoms'.format(len(atom.bonded_atoms))) # TODO - might be good to move tetrahedral angle to constant rot_angle = math.radians(109.5) cvec = Vector(atom1=atom) # 0 bonds if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 0: pass # 1 bond if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 1 and atom.number_of_protons_to_add > 0: # Add another atom with the right angle to the first one avec = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0]) axis = avec.orthogonal() avec = rotate_vector_around_an_axis(rot_angle, axis, avec) avec = self.set_bond_distance(avec, atom.element) self.add_proton(atom, cvec+avec) # 2 bonds if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 2 and atom.number_of_protons_to_add > 0: # Add another atom with the right angle to the first two avec1 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0]).rescale(1.0) avec2 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[1]).rescale(1.0) axis = avec1 + avec2 new_a = rotate_vector_around_an_axis(math.radians(90), axis, -avec1) new_a = self.set_bond_distance(new_a, atom.element) self.add_proton(atom, cvec+new_a) # 3 bonds if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 3 and atom.number_of_protons_to_add > 0: avec1 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[0]).rescale(1.0) avec2 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[1]).rescale(1.0) avec3 = Vector(atom1=atom, atom2=atom.bonded_atoms[2]).rescale(1.0) new_a = -avec1-avec2-avec3 new_a = self.set_bond_distance(new_a, atom.element) self.add_proton(atom, cvec+new_a)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_proton(atom: Atom, position: Vector): """Add a proton to an atom at a specific position. Args: atom: atom to protonate position: position for proton """ assert atom.conformation_container is not None # Create the new proton new_h = propka.atom.Atom() new_h.set_property( numb=None, name='H{0:s}'.format([1:]), res_name=atom.res_name, chain_id=atom.chain_id, res_num=atom.res_num, x=round(position.x, 3), # round of to three decimal points to # avoid round-off differences in input # file y=round(position.y, 3), z=round(position.z, 3), occ=None, beta=None) new_h.element = 'H' new_h.type = atom.type new_h.bonded_atoms = [atom] new_h.charge = 0 new_h.steric_number = 0 new_h.number_of_lone_pairs = 0 new_h.number_of_protons_to_add = 0 new_h.num_pi_elec_2_3_bonds = 0 atom.bonded_atoms.append(new_h) atom.number_of_protons_to_add -= 1 atom.conformation_container.add_atom(new_h) # update names of all protons on this atom new_h.residue_label = "{0:<3s}{1:>4d}{2:>2s}".format(, new_h.res_num, new_h.chain_id) no_protons = atom.count_bonded_elements('H') if no_protons > 1: i = 1 for proton in atom.get_bonded_elements('H'): = 'H{0:s}{1:d}'.format([1:], i) proton.residue_label = "{0:<3s}{1:>4d}{2:>2s}".format(, proton.res_num, proton.chain_id) i += 1 _LOGGER.debug('added %s %s %s', new_h, 'to', atom)
[docs] def set_bond_distance(self, bvec: Vector, element: str) -> Vector: """Set bond distance between atom and element. Args: bvec: bond vector element: bonded element Returns: scaled bond vector """ dist = 1.0 if element in list(self.bond_lengths.keys()): dist = self.bond_lengths[element] else: str_ = ( 'Bond length for {0:s} not found, using the standard value ' 'of {1:f}'.format(element, dist)) _LOGGER.warning(str_) bvec = bvec.rescale(dist) return bvec