Source code for propka.ligand

Ligand atom typing

This module contains the :func:`assign_sybyl_type` function to analyze
all :class:`propka.atom.Atom` in terms of SYBYL atom types (see


from propka.calculations import squared_distance
from propka.vector_algebra import Vector

#: SYBYL atom types
    'C.3',   #  carbon sp3
    'H',     #  hydrogen
    'C.2',   #  carbon sp2
    'H.spc', #  hydrogen in Single Point Charge (SPC) water model
    'C.1',   #  carbon sp
    'H.t3p', #  hydrogen in Transferable intermolecular Potential (TIP3P) water model
    '',  #  carbon aromatic
    'LP',    #  lone pair
    '', #  carbocation (C+) used only in a guadinium group
    'Du',    #  dummy atom
    'N.3',   #  nitrogen sp3
    'Du.C',  #  dummy carbon
    'N.2',   #  nitrogen sp2
    'Any',   #  any atom
    'N.1',   #  nitrogen sp
    'Hal',   #  halogen
    '',  #  nitrogen aromatic
    'Het',   #  heteroatom = N, O, S, P
    '',  #  nitrogen amide
    'Hev',   #  heavy atom (non hydrogen)
    'N.pl3', #  nitrogen trigonal planar
    'Li',    #  lithium
    'N.4',   #  nitrogen sp3 positively charged
    'Na',    #  sodium
    'O.3',   #  oxygen sp3
    'Mg',    #  magnesium
    'O.2',   #  oxygen sp2
    'Al',    #  aluminum
    'O.co2', #  oxygen in carboxylate and phosphate groups
    'Si',    #  silicon
    'O.spc', #  oxygen in Single Point Charge (SPC) water model
    'K',     #  potassium
    'O.t3p', #  oxygen in Transferable Intermolecular Potential (TIP3P) water model
    'Ca',    #  calcium
    'S.3',   #  sulfur sp3
    '', #  chromium (tetrahedral)
    'S.2',   #  sulfur sp2
    'Cr.oh', #  chromium (octahedral)
    'S.O',   #  sulfoxide sulfur
    'Mn',    #  manganese
    'S.O2',  #  sulfone sulfur
    'Fe',    #  iron
    'P.3',   #  phosphorous sp3
    'Co.oh', #  cobalt (octahedral)
    'F',     #  fluorine
    'Cu',    #  copper
    'Cl',    #  chlorine
    'Zn',    #  zinc
    'Br',    #  bromine
    'Se',    #  selenium
    'I',     #  iodine
    'Mo',    #  molybdenum
    'Sn']    #  tin

#: PROPKA input types
PROPKA_INPUT_TYPES = ['1P', '1N', '2P', '2N', 'C3', 'H', 'C2', 'Hsp', 'C1',
                      'Ht3', 'Car', 'LP', 'Cca', 'Du', 'N3', 'DuC', 'N2',
                      'Any', 'N1', 'Hal', 'Nar', 'Het', 'Nam', 'Hev', 'Npl',
                      'Li', 'N4', 'Na', 'O3', 'Mg', 'O2', 'Al', 'Oco', 'Si',
                      'Osp', 'K', 'Ot3', 'Ca', 'S3', 'Crt', 'S2', 'Cro', 'SO',
                      'Mn', 'SO2', 'Fe', 'P3', 'Coo', 'F', 'Cu', 'Cl', 'Zn',
                      'Br', 'Se', 'I', 'Mo', 'Sn']


[docs]def assign_sybyl_type(atom): """Assign Sybyl type to atom. Args: atom: atom to assign """ # check if we already have assigned a name to this atom if atom.sybyl_assigned: return # find some properties of the atom ring_atoms = is_ring_member(atom) aromatic = is_aromatic_ring(ring_atoms) planar = is_planar(atom) bonded_elements = {} for i, bonded_atom in enumerate(atom.bonded_atoms): bonded_elements[i] = bonded_atom.element # Aromatic carbon/nitrogen if aromatic: for ring_atom in ring_atoms: if ring_atom.element in ['C', 'N']: set_type(ring_atom, ring_atom.element+'.ar') return # check for amide if atom.element in ['O', 'N', 'C']: o_atom = None n_atom = None c_atom = None # oxygen, nitrogen if atom.element in ['O', 'N']: for bonded_elem in atom.get_bonded_elements('C'): for bonded_atom in bonded_elem.bonded_atoms: if (bonded_atom.element == 'N' and atom.element == 'O'): o_atom = atom c_atom = bonded_elem n_atom = bonded_atom elif (bonded_atom.element == 'O' and atom.element == 'N'): n_atom = atom c_atom = bonded_elem o_atom = bonded_atom # carbon if atom.element == 'C': nitrogens = atom.get_bonded_elements('N') oxygens = atom.get_bonded_elements('O') if len(nitrogens) == 1 and len(oxygens) == 1: c_atom = atom n_atom = nitrogens[0] o_atom = oxygens[0] if c_atom and n_atom and o_atom: # make sure that the Nitrogen is not aromatic and that it has two # heavy atom bonds if (not is_aromatic_ring(is_ring_member(n_atom)) and len(n_atom.get_bonded_heavy_atoms()) == 2): set_type(n_atom, '') set_type(c_atom, 'C.2') set_type(o_atom, 'O.2') return if atom.element == 'C': # check for carboxyl if (len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 3 and list(bonded_elements.values()).count('O') == 2): index1 = list(bonded_elements.values()).index('O') index2 = list(bonded_elements.values()).index('O', index1+1) if (len(atom.bonded_atoms[index1].bonded_atoms) == 1 and len(atom.bonded_atoms[index2].bonded_atoms) == 1): set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[index1], 'O.co2-') set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[index2], 'O.co2') set_type(atom, 'C.2') return # sp carbon if len(atom.bonded_atoms) <= 2: for bonded_atom in atom.bonded_atoms: if (squared_distance(atom, bonded_atom) < MAX_C_TRIPLE_BOND_SQUARED): set_type(atom, 'C.1') set_type(bonded_atom, bonded_atom.element + '.1') if atom.sybyl_assigned: return # sp2 carbon if planar: set_type(atom, 'C.2') # check for N.pl3 for bonded_atom in atom.bonded_atoms: if bonded_atom.element == 'N': if (len(bonded_atom.bonded_atoms) < 3 or is_planar(bonded_atom)): set_type(bonded_atom, 'N.pl3') return # sp3 carbon set_type(atom, 'C.3') return # Nitrogen if atom.element == 'N': # check for planar N if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 1: if is_planar(atom.bonded_atoms[0]): set_type(atom, 'N.pl3') return if planar: set_type(atom, 'N.pl3') return set_type(atom, 'N.3') return # Oxygen if atom.element == 'O': set_type(atom, 'O.3') if len(atom.bonded_atoms) == 1: # check for carboxyl if atom.bonded_atoms[0].element == 'C': the_carbon = atom.bonded_atoms[0] if (len(the_carbon.bonded_atoms) == 3 and the_carbon.count_bonded_elements('O') == 2): [oxy1, oxy2] = the_carbon.get_bonded_elements('O') if (len(oxy1.bonded_atoms) == 1 and len(oxy2.bonded_atoms) == 1): set_type(oxy1, 'O.co2-') set_type(oxy2, 'O.co2') set_type(the_carbon, 'C.2') return # check for X=O if (squared_distance(atom, atom.bonded_atoms[0]) < MAX_C_DOUBLE_BOND_SQUARED): set_type(atom, 'O.2') if atom.bonded_atoms[0].element == 'C': set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[0], 'C.2') return # Sulphur if atom.element == 'S': # check for SO2 if list(bonded_elements.values()).count('O') == 2: index1 = list(bonded_elements.values()).index('O') index2 = list(bonded_elements.values()).index('O', index1+1) set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[index1], 'O.2') set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[index2], 'O.2') set_type(atom, 'S.o2') return # check for SO4 if list(bonded_elements.values()).count('O') == 4: no_o2 = 0 for i in range(len(atom.bonded_atoms)): if len(atom.bonded_atoms[i].bonded_atoms) == 1 and no_o2 < 2: set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[i], 'O.2') no_o2 += 1 else: set_type(atom.bonded_atoms[i], 'O.3') set_type(atom, 'S.3') return # Phosphorus if atom.element == 'P': set_type(atom, 'P.3') # check for phosphate group bonded_oxygens = atom.get_bonded_elements('O') for o_atom in bonded_oxygens: set_type(o_atom, 'O.3') return element = atom.element.capitalize() set_type(atom, element)
[docs]def is_ring_member(atom): """Determine if atom is a member of a ring. Args: atom: atom to test Returns: list of atoms """ return identify_ring(atom, atom, 0, [])
[docs]def identify_ring(this_atom, original_atom, number, past_atoms): """Identify the atoms in a ring Args: this_atom: atom to test original_atom: some other atom number: number of atoms past_atoms: atoms that have already been found Returns: list of atoms """ number += 1 past_atoms = past_atoms + [this_atom] return_atoms = [] if number > 10: return return_atoms for atom in this_atom.get_bonded_heavy_atoms(): if atom == original_atom and number > 2: return past_atoms if atom not in past_atoms: these_return_atoms = identify_ring(atom, original_atom, number, past_atoms) if len(these_return_atoms) > 0: if (len(return_atoms) > len(these_return_atoms) or len(return_atoms) == 0): return_atoms = these_return_atoms return return_atoms
[docs]def set_type(atom, type_): """Set atom type.. Args: atom: atom to set type_: type value to set """ atom.sybyl_type = type_ atom.sybyl_assigned = True
[docs]def is_planar(atom): """Finds out if atom forms a plane together with its bonded atoms. Args: atom: atom to test Returns: Boolean """ atoms = [atom] + atom.bonded_atoms return are_atoms_planar(atoms)
[docs]def are_atoms_planar(atoms): """Test whether a group of atoms are planar. Args: atoms: list of atoms Returns: Boolean """ if len(atoms) == 0: return False if len(atoms) < 4: return False vec1 = Vector(atom1=atoms[0], atom2=atoms[1]) vec2 = Vector(atom1=atoms[0], atom2=atoms[2]) norm = vec1.cross(vec2).rescale(1.0) margin = PLANARITY_MARGIN for atom in atoms[3:]: vec = Vector(atom1=atoms[0], atom2=atom).rescale(1.0) if abs( > margin: return False return True
[docs]def is_aromatic_ring(atoms): """Determine whether group of atoms form aromatic ring. Args: atoms: list of atoms to test Returns: Boolean """ if len(atoms) < 5: return False for i in range(len(atoms)): if not are_atoms_planar(atoms[i:]+atoms[:i]): return False return True