Source code for propka.lib

Set-up of a PROPKA calculation

Implements many of the main functions used to call PROPKA.

import logging
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, List, TYPE_CHECKING, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar

    from propka.atom import Atom

T = TypeVar("T")
Number = TypeVar("Number", int, float)

_T_RESIDUE_TUPLE = Tuple[str, int, str]

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EXPECTED_ATOM_NUMBERS = {'ALA': 5, 'ARG': 11, 'ASN': 8, 'ASP': 8, 'CYS': 6,
                         'GLY': 4, 'GLN': 9, 'GLU': 9, 'HIS': 10, 'ILE': 8,
                         'LEU': 8, 'LYS': 9, 'MET': 8, 'PHE': 11, 'PRO': 7,
                         'SER': 6, 'THR': 7, 'TRP': 14, 'TYR': 12, 'VAL': 7}

class Options:
    # Note: All the "NoReturn" members appear to be unused
    alignment: NoReturn  # Optional[List[str]]
    chains: Optional[List[str]]
    display_coupled_residues: bool = False
    filenames: List[str]  # List[Path]?
    grid: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 14.0, 0.1)
    input_pdb: str  # Path?
    keep_protons: bool = False
    log_level: str = 'INFO'
    mutations: NoReturn  # Optional[List[str]]
    mutator: NoReturn  # Optional[str]  # alignment/scwrl/jackal
    mutator_options: NoReturn  # Optional[List[str]]
    pH: NoReturn  # float = 7.0
    parameters: Path
    protonate_all: bool = False
    reference: NoReturn  # str = 'neutral'
    reuse_ligand_mol2_file: bool = False  # only used by unused function
    thermophiles: NoReturn  # Optional[List[str]]
    titrate_only: Optional[List[_T_RESIDUE_TUPLE]]
    window: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 14.0, 1.0)

[docs]def protein_precheck(conformations, names): """Check protein for correct number of atoms, etc. Args: names: conformation names to check """ for name in names: atoms = conformations[name].atoms # Group the atoms by their residue: atoms_by_residue = {} for atom in atoms: if atom.element != 'H': res_id = resid_from_atom(atom) try: atoms_by_residue[res_id].append(atom) except KeyError: atoms_by_residue[res_id] = [atom] for res_id, res_atoms in atoms_by_residue.items(): res_name = res_atoms[0].res_name residue_label = '{0:>3s}{1:>5s}'.format(res_name, res_id) # ignore ligand residues if res_name not in EXPECTED_ATOM_NUMBERS: continue # check for c-terminal if 'C-' in [a.terminal for a in res_atoms]: if len(res_atoms) != EXPECTED_ATOM_NUMBERS[res_name]+1: str_ = ("Unexpected number ({num:d}) of atoms in residue " "{res:s} in conformation {conf:s}".format( num=len(res_atoms), res=residue_label, conf=name)) _LOGGER.warning(str_) continue # check number of atoms in residue if len(res_atoms) != EXPECTED_ATOM_NUMBERS[res_name]: str_ = ("Unexpected number ({num:d}) of atoms in residue " "{res:s} in conformation {conf:s}".format( num=len(res_atoms), res=residue_label, conf=name)) _LOGGER.warning(str_)
[docs]def resid_from_atom(atom): """Return string with atom residue information. Args: atom: atom to generate string for Returns string """ return '{0:>4d} {1:s} {2:s}'.format( atom.res_num, atom.chain_id, atom.icode)
[docs]def split_atoms_into_molecules(atoms: List["Atom"]): """Maps atoms into molecules. Args: atoms: list of atoms Returns: list of molecules """ molecules: List[List["Atom"]] = [] while len(atoms) > 0: initial_atom = atoms.pop() molecules.append(make_molecule(initial_atom, atoms)) return molecules
[docs]def make_molecule(atom: "Atom", atoms: List["Atom"]): """Make a molecule from atoms. Args: atom: one of the atoms atoms: a list of the remaining atoms Return: list of atoms """ bonded_atoms = [a for a in atoms if atom in a.bonded_atoms] res_atoms = [atom] for bond_atom in bonded_atoms: if bond_atom in atoms: atoms.remove(bond_atom) res_atoms.extend(make_molecule(bond_atom, atoms)) return res_atoms
[docs]def make_grid(min_: Number, max_: Number, step: Number) -> Iterator[Number]: """Make a grid across the specified tange. Like range() for integers or numpy.arange() for floats, except that `max_` is not excluded from the range. Args: min_: minimum value of grid max_: maximum value of grid step: grid step size """ x = min_ while x <= max_: yield x x += step
[docs]def generate_combinations(interactions: Iterable[T]) -> List[List[T]]: """Generate combinations of interactions. Args: interactions: list of interactions Returns: list of combinations """ res: List[List[T]] = [[]] for interaction in interactions: res = make_combination(res, interaction) res.remove([]) return res
[docs]def make_combination(combis: List[List[T]], interaction: T) -> List[List[T]]: """Make a specific set of combinations. Args: combis: list of combinations interaction: interaction to add to combinations Returns: list of combinations """ res = [] for combi in combis: res.append(combi+[interaction]) res.append(combi) return res
[docs]def parse_res_string(res_str: str) -> _T_RESIDUE_TUPLE: """Parse a residue string. Args: res_string: residue string in format "chain:resnum[inscode]" Returns: a tuple of (chain, resnum, inscode). Raises: ValueError if the input string is invalid. """ try: chain, resnum_str = res_str.split(":") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid residue string (must contain 2 " "colon-separated values)") try: resnum = int(resnum_str) except ValueError: try: resnum = int(resnum_str[:-1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid residue number (not an int)") else: inscode = resnum_str[-1] else: inscode = " " return chain, resnum, inscode
def parse_res_list(titrate_only: str): res_list: List[_T_RESIDUE_TUPLE] = [] for res_str in titrate_only.split(','): try: res_list.append(parse_res_string(res_str)) except ValueError as ex: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{ex}: "{res_str:s}"') return res_list
[docs]def build_parser(parser=None): """Build an argument parser for PROPKA. Args: parser: existing parser. If this is not None, then the PROPKA parser will be created as a subparser to this existing parser. Otherwise, a new parser will be created. Returns: ArgumentParser object. .. versionchanged:: 3.4.0 Argument `--generate-propka-input` has been removed as writing PROPKA input files is no longer supported. """ import propka if parser is not None: group = parser.add_argument_group(title="PROPKA invocation options") else: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("PROPKA predicts the pKa values of ionizable " "groups in proteins and protein-ligand " "complexes based in the 3D structure"), formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) # This is duck-typing at its finest group = parser group.add_argument("input_pdb", help="read data from <filename>") group.add_argument( "-f", "--file", action="append", dest="filenames", default=[], help=( "read data from <filename>, i.e. <filename> is added to arguments" ) ) group.add_argument( "-r", "--reference", dest="reference", default="neutral", help=("setting which reference to use for stability calculations " "[neutral/low-pH]")) group.add_argument( "-c", "--chain", action="append", dest="chains", help=('creating the protein with only a specified chain. Specify ' '" " for chains without ID [all]')) group.add_argument( "-i", "--titrate_only", dest="titrate_only", type=parse_res_list, help=('Treat only the specified residues as titratable. Value should ' 'be a comma-separated list of "chain:resnum" values; for ' 'example: -i "A:10,A:11"')) group.add_argument( "-t", "--thermophile", action="append", dest="thermophiles", help=("defining a thermophile filename; usually used in " "'alignment-mutations'")) group.add_argument( "-a", "--alignment", action="append", dest="alignment", help=("alignment file connecting <filename> and <thermophile> " "[<thermophile>.pir]")) group.add_argument( "-m", "--mutation", action="append", dest="mutations", help=("specifying mutation labels which is used to modify " "<filename> according to, e.g. N25R/N181D")) group.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {propka.__version__}") group.add_argument( "-p", "--parameters", dest="parameters", type=Path, default=Path(__file__).parent / "propka.cfg", help="set the parameter file") try: group.add_argument( "--log-level", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], help="logging level verbosity", default="INFO") except argparse.ArgumentError: # It is possible that --log-level has already been set by APBS pass group.add_argument( "-o", "--pH", dest="pH", type=float, default=7.0, help="setting pH-value used in e.g. stability calculations [7.0]") group.add_argument( "-w", "--window", dest="window", nargs=3, type=float, default=(0.0, 14.0, 1.0), help=("setting the pH-window to show e.g. stability profiles " "[0.0, 14.0, 1.0]")) group.add_argument( "-g", "--grid", dest="grid", nargs=3, type=float, default=(0.0, 14.0, 0.1), help=("setting the pH-grid to calculate e.g. stability " "related properties [0.0, 14.0, 0.1]")) group.add_argument( "--mutator", dest="mutator", help=( "setting approach for mutating <filename> " "[alignment/scwrl/jackal]" ) ) group.add_argument( "--mutator-option", dest="mutator_options", action="append", help="setting property for mutator [e.g. type=\"side-chain\"]") group.add_argument( "-d", "--display-coupled-residues", dest="display_coupled_residues", action="store_true", help=("Displays alternative pKa values due " "to coupling of titratable groups")) group.add_argument( "-l", "--reuse-ligand-mol2-files", dest="reuse_ligand_mol2_file", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Reuses the ligand mol2 files allowing the user to alter " "ligand bond orders")) group.add_argument( "-k", "--keep-protons", dest="keep_protons", action="store_true", help="Keep protons in input file", default=False) group.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", const="WARNING", dest="log_level", help="suppress non-warning messages") group.add_argument( "--protonate-all", dest="protonate_all", action="store_true", help="Protonate all atoms (will not influence pKa calculation)", default=False) return parser
[docs]def loadOptions(args=None) -> Options: """ Load the arguments parser with options. Note that verbosity is set as soon as this function is invoked. Arguments: args: list of arguments Returns: argparse namespace """ # loading the parser parser = build_parser() # parsing and returning options and arguments options = parser.parse_args(args, namespace=Options()) # adding specified filenames to arguments options.filenames.append(options.input_pdb) # Set the no-print variable level = getattr(logging, options.log_level) _LOGGER.setLevel(level) # done! return options
[docs]def make_tidy_atom_label(name, element): """Returns a 'tidier' atom label for printing to the new PDB file. Args: name: atom name element: atom element Returns: string """ if len(name) > 4: # if longer than 4, just truncate the name label = name[0:4] elif len(name) == 4: # if length is 4, otherwise use the name as it is label = name else: # if less than 4 characters long, insert white space as needed if len(element) == 1: label = ' {0:<3s}'.format(name) else: # The element should occupy the two first chars label = '{0:<4s}'.format(name) return label